Acasă > Ajutor > Quick start

Quick start guide

Playing the game

  • În meniu Începe un joc nou, click
    Joc de calculator
    Then click on any of the listed tables O masă în RRRummy este o combinație de reguli de joc, un număr de jucători, și opțional o limită de timp.

    RRRummy păstrează o listă de jocuri favorite, în așa fel încât să poți juca ușor jocurile tale favorite împotriva numărului de jucători pe care îl dorești. Poți să adaugi, ștergi sau sortezi mesele tale favorite.
    , e.g. Easy Rummy.
  • When it's your turn, play cards (or tiles) from your hand onto the table according to the game rules. You play a card by dragging it to its destination.
  • You may add cards to cards already on the table, and you may rearrange cards that are already on the table.
  • To end your turn, click anywhere in the stock area (on the right). (*)

Basic game rules

  • You play your cards (or tiles) to form runs or sets.
  • A run is formed by 3 or more cards of the same color (suit) and ascending values, like 456 .
  • A set is formed by 3 or 4 cards of the same value in different colors (suits), like 444 .
  • Jokers are wildcards that can be used in place of any other valid card. In many games, special restrictions apply. (*)
  • In your first move, you must play new runs or sets from your hand with a total value of 30 or more. (*)

(*) This may vary from game to game. See each game's game rule summary.

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