Change cardset
In this window, you can choose another card or tile set A cardset in RRRummy is the collection of images used to represent the cards or tiles that you play the game with. Different games can have different cardsets; and you can change the cardset during a game. Some themes come with their own cardset. to use in the game that you are playing.

1. Choose a card set
You can choose another card or tile set in this list. The list contains a thumbnail example image of the cards or tiles in the set, and its name.
2. How to apply the card set
Here you choose how the new card set is applied:
Try this cardset now will change the cardset now, but the next time you start a similar table the original card set will be used again.
Use this cardset always in this game will not only change the cardset at the current table, but also change the cardset in the game definition, so in future tables with the same game, the new cardset will be used.