Sort my hand in a different way
You can have your hand Your hand is the row (or rows) of cards at the bottom of the screen. When you have played all cards from your hand, you win the game. automatically sorted in different ways, or you can opt to sort your hand yourself.Change the hand sort mode
In menu
, click , then chooseor in menu
, click , then choose .The My hand window opens, where you can customize the way your hand is sorted.
For a full explanation of this window, see the My hand window reference.
Using the keyboard
You can use the following keyboard shortcuts to quickly change the hand sort mode:
Ctrl+K will keep your hand sorted by suit, then by value: 123123.
Ctrl+L will keep your hand sorted by value, then by suit: 112233.
Ctrl+G will keep your hand organized in a grid: 4 rows of 13 cards.
Ctrl+H will let you sort your hand yourself.