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Competition: All Rummy Games
Results of the current round
14 days left until the end of this round!
Rank | Player name | Games | Won | Points | Average | Last played | Previous |
Details of All Rummy Games
Description by owner:
Competition rules:
All games are allowed
Maximum allowed time limit per turn: 1.5 minute
Only full RRRummy members are allowed at a table
Quitting and being removed are penalized
Friend accounts and other similar players are not allowed at the same table
Players are ranked on total score
Current round ends at 2025-Apr-12 00:00:00 (GMT)
Each round lasts 14 days
The top 25% players will win a star
Maximum allowed time limit per turn: 1.5 minute
Only full RRRummy members are allowed at a table
Quitting and being removed are penalized
Friend accounts and other similar players are not allowed at the same table
Players are ranked on total score
Current round ends at 2025-Apr-12 00:00:00 (GMT)
Each round lasts 14 days
The top 25% players will win a star