Change the looks of a game (theme and card set)

Of all games A game is a set of rule options.

You can add your own game by selecting the game rule options you like best.
in RRRummy, built-in games and custom games, you can change the way it looks. That is, you can change the theme A theme is a collection of images and sounds, that determines how RRRummy looks. Different games can have different themes; and you can change the theme during a game. or the card or tile set A cardset in RRRummy is the collection of images used to represent the cards or tiles that you play the game with. Different games can have different cardsets; and you can change the cardset during a game. Some themes come with their own cardset. .

Change a game's theme or card set

In menu Start new game, click
Setup and Preferences
, then choose Setup game rules and looks.

The Setup game rules and looks window opens. Click on the game that you want you change, then click the Edit button.

Now, the game editor opens. In this window, in the Theme and cardset section, you can change the game's theme and card or tile set.

For a full explanation of this window, see the game editor reference.
