Example: Valid melds
The following examples illustrate how you can play valid melds.
Suppose your hand contains the following cards:
Then you could play a meld 4567 (a run).
Or, you could play a meld 567 (a run) and a meld 444 (a set), thereby getting rid of more of your cards.
Remember that you cannot form a set of 444 , because you cannot have two cards of the same color (or suit) in a set.
Neither can you form a run of 45 , because a meld must contain at least three cards.
It is allowed to add your cards to existing melds already on the table, as the following examples illustrate.
Suppose the table contains the following melds:
And your hand contains: 34 .
Then you could either add your 4 to the set of 4's: 4444 , or you could play both your cards to the black run: 34567 .
Now suppose the table contains the following meld:
And your hand contains: 7 .
Then you can play your card to this group, so it will split in two: